
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

And I'm only an hour and a half late, not too bad. The last update focused on the submissive aspect of a transformation, so I decided to do a thematic prequel to the situation. It's not the same situation, but it's not hard to see how the two tie together. I love a good monologue, and once I got this one started it pretty much wrote itself. I didn't do a whole lot of editing, so this is as close to stream of consciousness as you'll probably see from me. It's always fun to create a character and just let them talk for a while. If you're lucky you'll end up somewhere interesting. Have a good weekend everyone.



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ADS Do you wish to bask in the beauty of hatred?

I've been away from this series for far too long. It's time to get back on track. And so I present the third installment of Seven

This one is a little different than "Envy" in that I didn't focus on an underlying insecurity present in the tg community. I realized that in order to properly capture the anger I wanted for this piece, I would have to start with a character who hates what has happened to them. So while those characters are abundant in tg captions, they really are not a true reflection of any of members of the community.

So instead of trying to force some type of deep meta crap that would just feel out of place, I just created a basic character and let them go where they wanted to. So after several trips down some very dark and rather graphic roads which really did not capture the psychological aspect I'm shooting for with this series I ended up at Robert Frost, who's influence can clearly be seen in the second to last stanza. In the end I finished with a character committed to "curing" the world, even if it means destroying a good bit of it along the way.

I'm not sure how well this piece is going to fit into the series as a whole, as I plan to follow the example of "Envy" more for the other pieces. But I have to say I really like how this turned out as a single panel caption, even if it can't quite stand on it's own as a full independent story.

Taken Away

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ADS A new caption, and a new layout for posts. This should be fun.

 So first up a quick word on the caption. This was supposed to be a quickie, but the story just kept growing. Since it usually goes the other way, I try not to cut myself short when the ideas keep coming. If I don't have a second image, I'll do some revising if the text gets too small, but for this one everything seemed to wrap up nicely and I didn't need to cut too much.
Now onto the new post layout. The results of the poll were 24 to 16 in favor of keeping the older post style. And while I respect the verdict, the sample size is just too small for me to put much stock in the result. So I'm going to try out the click-through format for a little while, just to see if I like it. If I do, it'll stay, or if I don't/enough people request to go back to the old style I will. But for now, I want to see how this goes.


Faerie Fun

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This post came out a little later than I would have liked. But fortunately it's a little longer than I've been doing lately, so that should hopefully make up for it.

This was originally supposed to be a Kylie cap. But the vibe just wasn't working out right for the dynamic I had set up with that character. So I decided to keep the same idea of two minds in one body but tweak the relationship a bit until it matched the images and told the story I wanted. Plus it had been a while since I've had a caption that used dialogue to carry the plot (although going through and getting the formatting just right for the two different fonts and colors did remind me why I had taken a break from that style). All in all, this won't be remember as one of my best captions, but I had fun with it and I think you will too.



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

ADS First post of 2012. I originally had wanted it to be something dramatic and epic, something that would really set the tone for the rest of the year. Thought provoking and deep, the sort of piece that really makes a reader stop and look at their own lives. But then I decided to scrap that idea and go with smut instead. After all, sex sells.

But in all seriousness, I'm hoping for another great year of captions. I've already got a few longer pieces lined up and ready to go, so if everything continues to go well you should be seeing them shortly. Happy 2012 everyone, make it a great year, as we're all dead come December 21st!



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Looking at my schedule, I'm thinking I'll probably do one more update before the holidays. After that, I'm really hoping to get back to my normal posting timeline. As for this caption, I liked it more as an idea than I do actually seeing it written. I was trying to capture a feeling and it came up short, or at least I think it did because I know what I was actually trying to go for and I just couldn't put it into words. Oh well, at least it looks pretty. Here's hoping I'll find more time and motivation before too long.



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An early Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate, if you're not sick after dinner you did something wrong. I finally get a few days off for the holiday, so hopefully I'll be able to make some longer captions that I've been planning for a while. As it is, this is another single panel I pulled together earlier today. The idea's been done over and over in the tg world, but I still like how this one turned out. Also, because of the holiday there's a chance the Friday update will come out Friday afternoon, but I'll try to get it out at the usual time.


Altering the Arrangement

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

ADS This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post. ADS

The Birth of Kylie

Monday, May 27, 2013

Before I get into the contents of today's post, just a quick administrative comment. I've decided that in order to catch up for missing last week, Monday's and Wednesday's updates will have two captions instead of one (assuming nothing crazy happens, fingers crossed.) So that just leaves one more caption to take care of, which brings us back to today's update.

I've decided that after a year and a half of writing captions, it was about time I included myself in one. I've held off on doing this for so long because I've always felt that I could write a better story if I created completely new characters every time. It's the same reason I don't do sequels to my captions, I tell the story I want to tell and then I move on. But during these past two weeks I came up with an idea that I liked so much I was willing to break both of those patterns, her name was Kylie.

I've seen a lot of captions where the guy loses himself to a female persona (including some of which I've written myself.) So I started to think, what if he didn't disappear. What if instead of being trapped in the situation, it was more like he was stuck in the passenger seat. So I played around with the idea of having two personalities in one body, the usual sort of dominant/submissive relationship that would cause, but something didn't feel right. I had changed the general premise, but I was still writing the same stuff I always had. So I decided to have some fun with it. I gave it a more playful tone, and threw in a little sarcastic humor. The final piece of the puzzle came when I realized that instead of being just two people in one body, I could also make it two different bodies in one life. When one personality is in control the body is male, when the other takes over it's female. But both personalities are always present and can constantly comment on what the other is doing.

The decision to include myself came when I realized how much enjoyed this idea, and this was something that wasn't going to be a one time affair. I figured there wasn't any better way to ensure I'd do this series justice than to have a more personal stake in seeing it's done right. I hope you all enjoy it, because I can promise that this is just the beginning.


Thorough Punishment

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sorry about the delay, but here you go. I haven't done anything in the third person for a while, so I decided to go back to it. I really prefer the first person, but I like to mix things up to add a little diversity to my work. I also haven't described a transformation in a while, so I threw in one of those as well. Honestly, I always feel like these types of captions are some of my weaker pieces. I guess that's because I write dialog so easily I tend to neglect more distant perspectives, so I don't practice them as much as I should. I've read so many captions and stories that describe transformations so much better than I ever could, so I tend to avoid them as no one likes admitting their shortcomings. But it's something I really need to do more often as that's the only way I'm ever going to get better at it. See you Wednesday.


Birthday Balloon

Monday, May 27, 2013

Something quick and silly to finish out the week. I had some free time last night but I wasn't really in the mood to write anything, so instead I went looking for images. And boy did I find some. When I usually go hunting for new pics, I'll find a few here and there as I browse. But last night the story ideas just kept coming. I'd conservatively say I got about 15 solid new ideas, as well as some simple quick ones such as the one I used for today's caption. I'm going to try to see if I can find some extra time to turn out a few this weekend, as I really like some of the stuff I have planned. I'd say have a nice weekend, but I've got a good feeling that I'll be posting at least one more new caption before it's over.


All Over Again

Monday, May 27, 2013

So here is that quickie I promised (I know, I barely caught the deadline of the weekend, but Sunday night is better than Monday morning, right?)

I decided to play around with this one a little bit, and in doing so my sight might have gone past my reach, but whatever. I've been sitting on this image for a while and I knew I wanted to do something with brainwashing, but I wanted to take it further than that. So I started tweaking around the motivation used to keep a mindless servant "happy." I tried the normal tg standards of having a craving for cock implanted and all that jazz, but honestly it felt rather cookie-cutter, it's been done over and over again and I didn't see myself chartering any new territory with that approach. So I went the other direction. The individual chooses to remain subservient not out of any pleasure they obtain from the arrangement, but out of fear of the alternative. Eventually I landed on the idea of a person who doesn't know exactly what has been taken from them, but they know it's painful, a first hand knowledge that ignorance really is "bliss." I probably could have taken it further and found a better balance between being a mindless pleasure drone and a cognitive individual actively seeking an escape from their own past, but I had already been working on this caption longer than I had planned on, so I decided to take what I had so far and shelve further exploration of this idea for another day. I'm not sure when or if I'll revisit this concept again, but I have to say it was fun to mess around with a new idea again.


A Delightful Spell

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy Monday everyone. As of right now this week is looking to be much better than the past two for me, which hopefully means everything is back on schedule. Here are a couple of short captions I pulled together for you, pretty typical to most of my earlier work. Seeing as I had taken a bit of a forced break, I wanted to make some pieces I know I know how to write. I turned these out pretty easily so everything's looking good for getting back to normal. See you Wednesday.


A Toss Up

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm exhausted. I'm going to keep it short today as I have almost no energy right now. I can't tell you how much I need a few days off. Enjoy the weekend everyone, there's a pretty good chance I'm going to sleep through the whole thing.


All Knowing Smiles

Sunday, May 26, 2013

ADS Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing well. Things are getting a little better for me, but free time and motivation are both pretty scarce so it's still going to be a while before things get back to normal. But I wanted to do something as I haven't posted in a while so I pulled this together this afternoon. It's not the most erotic thing I've written, but I really like the story and the image seems to fit pretty well with it. It felt good to write again and I hope to be doing a lot more of it soon.


One Hell of a Ride

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sorry about the quiet week, the real world decided to get in the way again. Anyway, this was a request by Amber Smithe. She sent me the story outline and the images, which makes it really sad that it still took me almost two weeks to finish it as she did most of the work. But hopefully she likes the final product and thinks it was worth the wait. I like how this one turned out, a little more plot centric than I usually like my captions to be, but it's always good to throw in some variety to my normal style of captioning.


Her Smile

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I didn't have a ton of time to write this week, but I knew that I wanted to do something a little different than the usual. So I decided on focusing on how a third party might react to a transformation, using a true second person perspective. Second person is what was used for the old Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books and not much else. That's probably because it can be a little awkward to write and read since it tells the reader what he or she is doing, but I wanted to see if I could pull it off. You'll have to let me know if I was successful. See you Friday.


Why Settle?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

ADS What? It's over? I have free time again?

Yep, I'm back. Well...sort of. Things have finally settled down for me after months of a never ending list of things I had to get done. But if everything goes according to plan, I should be done with the craziness for a while. Which means I'm back to captioning. The reason I say sort of, is things won't be on a schedule again for probably another week. I still have stuff that needs to get done, but it's manageable now. So now I just have to figure out a new schedule that lets me get everything in. That won't happen until after the holidays, but until then I'll try to turn out some new stuff for all of you lovely readers. Thanks for hanging in there with me, now let's see if I can make it worth the wait.


Everything You Ever Wanted

Saturday, May 25, 2013

ADS And I'm back. Vacation was all right, some unforeseen complications made things a little more stressful than I would have liked, but that's just the way it goes sometimes. Anyway, I've got some cool stuff in the pipeline and I hope to get it out to you soon. But in the meantime, here's a quickie I pulled together for all of you nice people as I get back into the swing of things.

I love this picture. I like the story I put with it, but I have to say it was actually one of the more difficult things I've written in a while. The main reason is I wanted this to be fast. More of a moment than an actual story. The problem was the story didn't like staying small. I could easily have made this into a two or three panel mental rambling that explored all the feelings and thoughts going through the protagonist's mind, but I didn't want that. This image was short and to the point, and the text needed to match. I probably spent more time cutting things out than putting them in. Funny how writing less can be so much more work. Have a good weekend everyone.


Look with Your Hands

Saturday, May 25, 2013

ADS Here's a quickie a pulled together with a little time I found this afternoon. There's really no reason for it to be two panels, but I really liked both of these pictures so I decided to stretch the story a bit and use a larger font to justify using both. Again, I'm just playing around with some different points of view than I normally use in an effort to keep things somewhat original. I can't say I love this one, but at least I don't feel like I've told this story twenty times before.


Trophy Wife

Friday, May 24, 2013

This was a good weekend for captioning, something that has become much too rare lately. I'm not ecstatic about this one, but I think it turned out okay. More than anything I was just trying to mix up my usual narrative style. I don't want to fall into the habit of turning out the same caption over and over again as I've done in the past. So I decided to go with first person from the victim's point of view, showing a little more outward resistance than I usually do. It also helped that this story takes place between the transformation and the sex scene, so I was able to play around with some different emotions than normal. The result was in my opinion a solid caption, but probably not one I'll remember for very long. As it is, I consider it more of an effort to add a little more variety to my captioning, and in that respect I think it got the job done.


Getting Rid of the Attitude

Friday, May 24, 2013

ADS It's been a while since I've had a described transformation caption, so I decided to go ahead and make one. So I wrote a simple story that would be somewhat interesting on its own and have a transformation take place in the time frame of the story. It ended up running a little long, so I had to make the text smaller than I usually like, but in the end I like how it turned out. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Submissive Love

Friday, May 24, 2013

Well so much for getting this up over the weekend, but better late than never. I have to say I really like this caption. For those of you who usually read this post first, I'd suggest reading the caption before continuing on.

Finished? Cool. Anyway, now that you're back, I was saying how much I like this caption. I'm sure it won't be everyone's cup of tea, and I'm sure I might sound like a bit of a arrogant ass for this, but I don't care. Well let me rephrase, I don't care if you dislike this particular caption. If you don't want to see more like it feel free to tell me, as I really do try to make the kinds of stuff you all want to read. But every so often you just have to make one for yourself, which this one most likely falls into. And it's not because of the story, and it's not because of the fantasy situation, as neither of them really fit my usual tastes. It's because of the last line.

The entire rest of the caption is something I've written plenty of times before, typical forced lesbian, etc. But when I finished with all of that, I still wasn't satisfied. I just really wanted something...more. I wanted to care about the main character, about what he went through. Yet as it was, I didn't. Not any more than I've cared about any other main character I've used. So I added the last line, and it made all the difference. Suddenly this is someone with hopes and dreams and he's forced to watch them all be destroyed because he's trying to give his wife what she wants. But in order to get closer to the woman he loves, he gives in to her desire to abandon their old relationship and form a new one that follows a mistress-sub mentality, which creates distance between them. There's still love, just a different kind of love. And he's willing to take whatever he can get.

I know that may be more depth than most people want in a quick caption like this, and if this doesn't work for you I promise there will be plenty more of my old style in the future. But I just couldn't write the usual today, I needed to care about something. Maybe it's just because I don't have the chance to write as much as I used to that I felt the need to make this one mean something, I don't know. Anyway, to those of you who actually read all this, thank you. I hoped you gained a little insight into what I was trying to do. Or maybe you just think I'm a pretentious ass, that's certainly possible too.

Happy Monday everyone!


Seriously Fucked

Friday, May 24, 2013

ADS Things still suck for me as far as free time goes, but I was able to find enough today to get out a new caption for you. I apologize for the crappy image quality, but it was the best I could do. I've been looking for an image set for this story for months, and I finally found one that worked. So while the quality's not great, it's better than nothing and beggars can't be choosers. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it. I had fun writing something a little darker than I've been doing recently, and being vulgar is always a good time. Have a good weekend everyone.


Preliminary Testing

Thursday, May 23, 2013

ADS I had some fun with this one. Sometimes you just need a little humor and a ridiculous situation. It's kind of funny how I'm making more captions with images I never would have used before. A few months ago I would have seen this pic and thought there's no way in hell I'm using that. But now I saw her expression and the cap pretty much wrote itself. I guess that's one way to make sure you're still putting out original stuff. Anyway, I hope you're having a good week so far.


Relapse (One Year Anniversary)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

While I'm not officially back from my break yet (although it's looking like that will be pretty soon) I figured I had to make something for today seeing as it's this blog's anniversary. So how far has my little corner of the tg community come in the past year?
  • 255 Posts
  • Over 1.5 Million Page Views
I'm absolutely stunned that this site has been so successful in such a short amount of time. All I can say is thank you. The fact that so many people are interested in seeing my work is truly humbling. I started this blog as a way to continue to expand my creativity and work on my writing, and I can't thank all of you enough for continuing to show your support for what I'm doing.

So as long as you keep coming back, I'll try to keep making it worth your while.

As for this particular caption, I decided to mark this milestone the same way I've done every major event on this blog, with the always stunning Ariel. In fact she was also the model in the first new caption I made after starting this blog (which was five days after my first post, but I had a bit of backlog I could burn though when I didn't feel like making new material). It's kind of crazy to see how far I've come in a year.

For me, this caption isn't so much about my own experiences with tg (which if you're interested I talk about here) as it is about captioning in general. There have been plenty of times I've considered calling it quits, but every time I take a break, I find myself drawn back in once more. This most recent break is no exception. While I've appreciated, and to be honest, needed, some time off, creating this caption reminded me why I enjoy doing this so much. And as long as that creative part of my brain keeps pulling me back in, I'll continue to keep making captions.

But that's enough of my rambling for now. Like I said, I'll probably be back to turning out material on a more regular basis fairly soon, thanks for being patient.

Here's to another great year of captioning.


A Ballet to Remember

Thursday, May 23, 2013

ADS A quickie involving tutus to tie you over for a bit.

This is something I made extremely fast as I don't have a ton of time to caption, but I wanted to get something out as I've been slacking in terms of production lately. Similarly to the surgery formspring request I don't feel like I nailed the concept quite as well as I could have, so expect to see another ballet caption in the near future when I can put a little more time into the idea.

I'm still working out some kinks for "Seven" in how I want to narrate the series, but I have found some amazing pictures. So even if you don't care for the story, you will hopefully be able to enjoy some of the best looking images I've ever used in my captions. Perhaps you will see the first real installment of the series this weekend, but I'll have to see how it's developing. If not, I'm sure I'll put out something new in the next couple of days as I should have a little bit of time to caption.



Thursday, May 23, 2013

ADS What happens when eternal bliss is never out of reach?

Is doing nothing really a sin? After all, it's not like you're hurting anyone...

With this installment of Seven I really wanted to explore the idea of how destructive the standard trope of "I'm a sexy girl, I'm never going to get out of bed again" could really be. The biggest issue I see with these kind of ideas is the complete lack of motivation characters who feel this way now suffer from. If all you've ever wanted is to be able to experience what it would be like to orgasm as a female, what would happen if you could do it as much as you wanted? Would you eventually create new goals for yourself? Or would you get lost in the process of living out your fantasy?

Part of why I find this particular sin so fascinating is that it seems so harmless. No one seemingly gets hurt through inaction, but taken too far it leads to the death of the individual. Without goals or aspirations, a person merely drifts along, all the while unaware of the destructive force this apparently harmless outlook has on their life.

Perhaps I'm taking this idea too far, but writing this caption has given me a lot to think about in my own life. And for that reason alone, this caption was worth creating. ADS

Siren Song

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quick note on the administrative side, I'll be out of town tomorrow and Wednesday visiting family. So I would say expect new posts probably on Thursday and Saturday. I've still got two requests to finish that I've been sitting on for way too long, but I want to take some serious time to make sure they're done right. Hopefully I'll finish at least one of them this week. Now on to today's post.

This is a shout out to all the silent visitors out there. I spend a lot of time talking about my followers and fellow captioners, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everyone who takes the time to visit this blog. Whether you've just never taken the time to create an account, or maybe you never anything you want to comment about, I just wanted to say thanks for your silent support. It always makes me feel good to see a high pageview count at the end of the day.

And to those of you who have ever thought about getting a little more involved, please do. As a former lurker, I can say that you definitely get more out of the community once you start talking to people. Trust me, we don't bite (well, some do...but only if you ask nicely.)


Not Slutty Enough

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ADS What? Two captions in one week? That's right boys and girls, and I can't believe it either. But before you get your hopes up, let me come right out and say this isn't some of my best writing, just something quick and fun. I was really tired while making this, but I still felt a strong desire to make a caption anyway. I haven't had that in a while, so it was nice to have a little inspiration again. So please excuse any typos, I'll proofread this again tomorrow just to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible as I've been slacking in terms of the number of updates recently. I probably won't be able to make anything else until after Valentine's Day (hence the reference in the caption) but if I get lucky and find some more free time I'll certainly try.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ADS My first caption with the title in the image. I'm fairly happy with how the caption ended up looking, the story is nothing special though. It's funny, I actually meant for this to be one of my standard forced lesbian taunting captions but I just couldn't make it happen. The past couple captions have been relatively clean (at least for my standards anyway) as I haven't been in a good smut writing mood in a while. I'll try to dirty things up a bit in the next update as I know that's what most of you come here looking for in the first place.


Burn to Disc?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Here's the first of two requests by Candy. She gave me some great ideas for future caps including this one, a request involving myself, her, and her creation, the Hentai Verse. I've never done a Hentai caption before so it was a interesting challenge to take on. I think it turned out pretty well, and hopefully she thinks so as well.

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